Season of Light

Season of Light

Light up the cold dark season with our perennial, popular winter holiday show. Narrated by National Public Radio's Noah Adams.

Season of Light
  • LNP Grid - prewarped

    Test this grid for use with spherical mirrors.

  • LNP Grid - fisheye

    A test grid for fulldome systems with fisheye lens projectors.

  • SOL show - prewarped

    Season of Light explores the reasons humans are so fascinated with lighting up our lives during the December holiday season. It's an exploration of the astronomical meanings behind seasonal traditions, including the "Star over Bethlehem".

  • SOL trailer - prewarped

    Season of Light explores the reasons humans are so fascinated with lighting up our lives during the December holiday season. It's an exploration of the astronomical meanings behind seasonal traditions, including the "Star over Bethlehem".

  • SOL show - fisheye

  • SOL trailer - fisheye